Happy Friday! With the (unofficial) last weekend of summer nearly upon us, I am beginning to rethink my wardrobe as I organize my closet favorites for fall.  Along with that comes the yearly conundrum of is it right to wear "White after Labor Day?"  While the rules have certainly softened over time, it's always surprising how many people still ask about whether the once famous fashion faux pas is still one to avoid.  For me, I believe that we each need to embrace our own style and fashion choices.  If that means white in fall, I say bring it on!  As summer wanes prior to Labor Day there are always the many obvious ways to wear it.  These white jeans look effortless and chic paired with a classic chambray shirt (love this one), an easy pair of slip ons, strand of pearls and a yummy caramel tote.  I also love and often (ok, constantly) wear these white jeans with navy and white stripes.  So classic and a never fail go to for sure.  Later on, when the weather starts to gather a chill, I love the look of white denim, topped with layers.  Shades of grey and cozy fabrics were made to meet up with white bottoms.  This sweater is going to be perfect for that.  Hats, caps and fuzzy knits all strike the absolute right contrast with the summertime favorite.  Is it me or has the white skinny suddenly become the fall fashion fave too?  Love to hear your thoughts on this longtime wardrobe rule(breaker).  Hope you all enjoy the perfect weekend!!

